Sunday, September 18, 2011


One of the most important things I've learned here is to appreciate the weekend. I really don't know how people can survive without a Sabbath. However, contrary to popular belief, most people here don't spend a whole lot of time relaxing on the weekends. We started this weekend off with an amazing concert followed by brownies and cookies in the student park. It was fun, but the lines were super long and the whole place was crowded. Then my friends and I headed back towards the dorm, along the way we saw many things that made us wish that college had social like academy did. Sabbath morning we got up early and went to Sabbath school, I think picking a sabbath school AND a church service is one of the most difficult things I have to do all week. So, I usually just get my friends to decide. Anyway, after church and lunch in the cafeteria I went on a short hike on the biology trail with a friend and some new friends. it was tons of fun! then after a quick nap I was off to help set up for the Joker Release Party. After putting on a ridiculous outfit I helped hand out the free shirts, apparently college students love love love free shirts. I was handing out the smalls so most of the people getting shirts from me were girls. Girls are mean. And very scary. The crowd was so pushy that the entire Duck Squad (social committee) is going to go through some kind of crowd control training with campus safety. I think the party was a wonderful success, no one was injured in the trampling, and Hakke Matte did an amazing performance. We made buttons, ate nachos, played video games, pinned the tie on Dr. Bietz, played twister and various family games, and took awkward family photos. at the end of the night the Joker was found and distributed, and people started to go home. A few really nice guys stayed and helped us load up the furniture and we took it back to some storage building. When we finally got into the storage building there was a cockroach looking for a new friend. I thought they were supposed to run away and hide when you turned the light on, but this one just kind of ran in circles. I think someone stepped on him, but after resting for a few minutes he seemed to be completely healed. He was a cute, but weird little thing. I'd never seen anything like it before. And while he was kinda creepy, he was just too big to smash. I talked to a friend that is an expert, and he said it's probably good that I didn't try to smash the roach because they make an awful crunch and the feeling of smashing it is just terrible. So, cockroaches are pretty safe around me unless I have some kind of bug spray or something. Anyway, I had a very busy weekend full of new friends but lacking in the sleep department. My other major discovery of the weekend is that life without an ID card is not fun. I didn't have any pockets so my friend put my phone and ID in his pocket, but then he went to a movie. So, I had to go a whole night without my phone and ID. That's pushing it. I thought I would really miss my phone, and I kinda do, but I really really really miss my ID. So, now you know, go to all the parties, don't be desperate for a shirt, you'll probably get hurt, and always make sure you have a pocket or something for your ID. I think I'll be going to the campus shop to buy a lanyard thingie for my ID. Anyway, now I'm on to my to do list for today. Three papers, clean my room and get ready for my View Southern guests, and maybe some friend time later. Oh, and boys are dumb. But that's all I have to say on that one.

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